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An overview of the subtle energy fields that make up YOU. |
One of the most important pieces of information that has come to us is that, long before issues or even diseases take place within our physical awareness, they exist in one or several of our personal energy Fields. This means that the truism that we create our own reality, is literally true with regards to our most personal reality. We say we want things then sabotage our own ability to get them; we say we want good health but continue to eat excessively and not get enough sleep; we say we want a better world but refuse to look past our preferred political party for solutions. But knowing where these internal conflicts originate is more than half the battle in resolving them.
The Twelve Fields

As the Twelve Inner Aspects are each person's inner worlds of existence, the Fields are the energies that radiate outwardly from the physical body throughout all external existence. From this point we can experience twelve fields of energy of which the physical body is the first.
There is function and purpose to each of these Fields. Each Field corresponds to each of the Inner Aspects of your being. This acts something like invisible strings that connect between the Fields and Inner Aspects. For example, as the first Field is experiencing a particular stimulus, so, too, its corresponding first Inner Aspect is reacting to this same stimulus.
One of the most important pieces of information that has come to us with relation to the Fields and Inner Aspects is that, long before disease or occurrences actually take place within our physical awareness, they exist in one or several of these Fields. It seems so simple! All we have to do to arrest or alleviate pain, disease, accidents or illness is to find out which Field these have originated in. This is one of the reasons for studying ONA.
The Twelve Fields are our way of exchanging thoughts, ideas and impressions between ourselves and the universe around us. ONA teaches how to dialogue with these areas.

The first Field is the Physical body, itself. As a Field, it is the Body others see: Your face, hair, physique. While it can be expressive, as we'll see, much of the communication actually originates in other fields. Still, your voice and body language either reinforce—or contradict—what others perceive, subconsciously, in your Fields.

The second Field is the Electro-magnetic. This is the Field that affects an old-fashioned TV set with rabbit ears—as you move around the room, reception is improved or degraded. As electrical currents flow around the body, the second Field is activated. It can also be affected by static electricity.
The third Field is the Emotional. Have you ever walked into a room and, before you even saw anyone there, knew that a fight was going on, or a tragedy had just taken place? While the third Inner Aspect generates the chemicals that make you feel emotions, the emotions themselves are energy patterns in this Field, where others can sense or even alter them. These alterations take place when your emotional field comes into contact with someone else's.

The fourth Field is the Mental. This field is made up of energy patterns that represent every memory and experience you've ever had—including memories from other lifetimes. The patterns of habits and programs that move most of us through so much of our days actually reside in this Field. Knowing that, you can easily break bad habits by removing them or develop good ones by placing them in this field. This is where habits, both good and bad, are kept—or broken.

The fifth Field is Intentional (also sometimes called the Prayer
). As the fourth field holds programs, so the fifth Field holds your
intentions. If your life doesn't seem to be going the way you wanted,
sometimes you have cross-purposes activated in this field. Find them and resolve
the conflict, and things can start moving smoothly again.

The sixth Field allows you to be Cognitive of your environment. While the sixth Inner Aspect can give you Knowing regarding your inner self, the sixth Field allows you to see the Truths in things external to yourself. If you always know when someone is lying to you, for example, that's your sixth Field working.

The seventh Field is the Integral. In our Universe, all things need
boundaries that separate them from all other things. This field performs that
function, working to isolate us sufficiently from All That Is (God) so that we
can be perceived as individuals. This is the first Field in which the Truth is
expressed as WE…
instead of I…

The eighth Field is the Morphogenetic. A conventional prism transmits light, but transforms it in the process: sometimes reflecting it, sometimes transmuting it into its component frequencies. We've all had the experience of having another person see us, not as we are, but as he or she thinks we ought to be. That person is seeing his or her own reflection in our Prism Field. And the effect works both ways; we must be careful when we look at another, that it isn't just our own reflection!

The ninth Field is that of Transcendent. With this Field we rise above mere physicality, finding ourselves able to perceive the realms beyond this physical Universe. This field is also the primary one perceived by non-physical beings (such as angels) that attempt to communicate with us. The more sensitive you are to this field, the more non-physical phenomena you find yourself aware of.

Intuitive is the tenth Field. When this Field is active, you find others are drawn to you as a problem-solver!—and rightly so. A person with an active tenth Field has risen above office politics; he or she has graduated to statesman status, with love and understanding for all.

Such understanding can lead to an activation of the eleventh Field, the Conscious. Operating in the eleventh Field, there is no karma, no accidents, no coincidences in the conventional sense of being unexplained and mysterious. Everything is understood and purposeful. You attract to yourself situations in which you can help others find their own consciousness. Do you have a friend in whose company you find your own capacities exceed what you thought of as your limitations? That person has an active eleventh field; and yours is more active when you are in his or her presence.

The twelfth and ultimate Field is Unifying. This Field
extends outward to the boundaries of this Universe and beyond. In Wholeness, a
person perceives and accepts all his/her
component parts. These parts are still parts—they are
integrated, but still distinct. (It is not until one goes past
the twelfth field, somewhere, that Wholeness is resolved into Oneness, and
there is no distinct