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The 'sound' of Mobility and how to use it.

The Sound of Mobility

The variation of beginnings which establish forms into even and equivalent relationships. The energy that forms cohesiveness and arrangements between parts of a whole. In the process of beginning growth occurs and is affirmed into perfection.

CHA-SAN-JI creates coordinated balance through movement. The beginnings of any motion are founded within this energy. Apply this energy to establish balanced movement in any area.

Growth in motion Perfected members Affirming as even
Branching out Placed in relationships Omitting sides as in a game
Variations on a theme Brought together to form Arranging same quantities and qualities
The spark that begins a cycle Established forms in cohesion Relating equivalent parts

The sound of this System relates to, supports, upholds and forwards the concept of Mobility. Chanting or directing this sound consciously brings forth and supports Mobility.

CHA-SAN-JI is the energy that places similar forms into a balanced relationship. It arranges forms so that they have cohesiveness within the form of which they are a part. This brings about an exchange of energy between the parts so that all the members are vibrating to the perfected order of their original intention.

CHA-SAN-JI assists in evening up unequal sides so that no one form or cell is overbearing upon any others. Applied to issues and situations, it coordinates between all the related parts in order to bring them into balance and continual growth that forwards each member and the whole. This energy reminds us that whatever CHA-SAN-JI is directed towards comes into affirming evenness and strives for balance as it perfected ideal. In its presence the light of relatedness forms new meaning.

Chant CHA-SAN-JI in order to bring things, ideas or areas into coordinated balance. Utilize this energy to remember from relationships of coordinated balance between areas of the Inner Aspects, Fields and Systems. Use CHA-SAN-JI to affirm relationships of areas of the body that seem to be out of sync with each other. Try chanting it and breathing it in and out all twelve Systems and Fields in order to calm down high blood pressure and irregular heart beat.

Chant CHA-SAN-JI to bring balance to any lower bowel problems and indigestion. Recall a situation, person, place or an emotion that seemed out of balance or in need of coordination. In your mind, place them in relationship. Chant and breathe CHA-SAN-JI into the focus of that particular area or situation. Pay attention to the movement of energies and their connection. Allow all things to happen. Notice the mobility that comes into being. This is the beginning of the parts coordinating new pathways between them. Continue chanting until balance is achieved. Notice your level of awareness and your ability to direct your own thoughts.

CHA-SAN-JI In Our World

The Sumerian words CHA and JI have already been introduced to our world.

CHA, as in the Spanish dance cha-cha, certainly signifies motion!

JI, often spelled chi or ghi, is the Chinese word for "life force" (prana).


It's particularly important that you practice saying this Sound…but not so that others can hear. Remember, it can bring up issues of Mobility which often manifest as clumsiness or balance problems; remember techniques such as the postures and breathing techniques described in this Workshop can be used to catch any manifesting issues and resolve them before they become serious.