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Motion and Stillness

Tai Chi

Mobility is not just about motion—it is also about stillness. System Four Postures make an excellent warm-up to the mild exercise of System Four Movements.

Since the physical body is Field One, keeping it in reasonable shape also helps keeps System One (and Inner Aspect One) in shape.

You do not need to be a bodybuilder or gym bunny to enjoy the benefits of this simple, mild exercise every day. You don't even have to sweat! And twelve minutes is all you need.


By: Michael Manion Page Views: 1337
How to perform energy shifting via holding physical positions.

Postures are moments that you can come to recognize the power that stillness has. Each body posture corresponds to a particular System. This will also include that System's Twelve fields and Inner Aspects. These postures will begin at System One. When you have positioned yourself, take your breath throughout all your Inner Aspects and Fields. Focus on the space you have just created with each area you breathe into. This becomes your expanded being.

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By: Michael Manion Page Views: 1300
How to do basic exercises to strengthen your body and immune system.

While completing these movements keep in mind that you are opening that System and its Center more fully. Each exercise corresponds to a specific System. In twelve minutes, you can have activated your Whole Self!

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