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How to meditate using the Transformational Breath.

The Transformational Breath

Transformational Breath

This will assist you in working with your goals and during mediations to actualize your transformation. Use this during times when things seem foggy in relation to your goal and you need some clarity.

  1. Stand with your knees slightly bent inward and one foot apart. Start off with your hands at your side. Your hands may move with the energy present during this technique.

  2. Close your eyes slightly so that you can barely make out the room or space around you.

  3. Inhale throughout all your Systems and their Fields, simultaneously front and back as well. Exhale throughout all your Systems and their Fields, simultaneously front and back as well.

  4. Inhale through your past up until now. See how it makes up where you are now. Exhale into the now and see the moment as clear, vibrant and alive.

  5. Inhale into all the futures that are yours, see them as clearer and clearer until you know all there is to know about them. Exhale into the present.

  6. Begin to see all things and people around you as transforming into more and more of their true selves.

  7. When you are complete thank yourself and all who participated for the new sense of self in the moment of now.