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By: Paul S Cilwa Page Views: 1278
Learn some techniques to improve your perception of yourself and others.

Techniques for Enhancing Perception

In this step, you will learn some techniques to improve your perception of yourself and others, and to use your perception to heal and comfort. Perception is the process of becoming aware of and interpreting sensory information. Perception can be influenced by many factors, such as beliefs, expectations, emotions, and context. Perception can also be distorted by biases, illusions, or misinformation. Therefore, it is important to develop your perception skills and to be aware of the sources and effects of your perception.

The techniques you will learn are based on the following principles:

  • Perception can be used as a form of first aid.

    When someone is injured or in pain, you can use your perception to ease their discomfort and provide emotional support while waiting for conventional medical attention. You can do this by communicating effectively, using positive words and gestures, and creating a safe and calm environment. You can also use your perception to assess the person's condition and needs, and to apply appropriate interventions, such as pressure, elevation, or bandaging.

  • Perception can also enhance conventional treatment.

    After or during conventional treatment, you can use your perception to help resolve the underlying issue that may have caused or contributed to the illness or injury, such as stress, trauma, or conflict. You can also use your perception to help the person understand their condition, follow the treatment plan, and express their needs and preferences. You can also facilitate the collaboration and coordination among the health care providers, the person, and their family or caregivers.

  • Perception involves multiple levels and dimensions of energy.

    According to some theories, everything in the universe is made of energy, and energy can be perceived in different ways. Energy can be seen as systems or fields, which are organized patterns of vibration and information. Energy can also be felt, heard, smelled, or tasted. Energy can have different qualities, such as color, shape, size, intensity, frequency, or direction. Energy can also be influenced by intention, attention, and emotion.

The techniques you will learn are based on these principles and will help you to perceive and interact with energy in various ways. The techniques are divided into three categories:

  • Perceiving your own energy.

    This category includes techniques to help you become aware of your own energy systems, fields, and qualities, and to balance and harmonize them. You will learn how to scan your physical body and your 12 inner aspects, which are the different dimensions of your being, such as your mind, emotions, soul, and spirit. You will also learn how to scan your 12 fields, which are the layers of energy that surround and interpenetrate your physical body, such as your etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual fields. You will also learn how to scan your 12 systems, which are the functions and processes that regulate your energy, such as your chakras, meridians, and aura. You will learn how to identify and clear anything that looks or feels as if it does not belong there or is impeding the flow of energy at that level or in that field, such as color distortions or mismatched colors. You will also learn how to write down your observations and sensations, and to use a chart or scale to measure the intensity and quality of your energy.

  • Perceiving other people's energy.

    This category includes techniques to help you perceive and connect with other people's energy, and to use your perception to help and heal them. You will learn how to do the same scanning and clearing techniques that you learned for yourself, but with other people. You will also learn how to adjust your perception according to the distance and location of the person, whether they are in the same room, in another city, or in another country. You will learn how to hone in on them as an individual, and to use their name, address, or image to locate them. You will also learn how to compare your perception with your eyes open and closed, and to note any differences or similarities. You will also learn how to practice with different people and to share your experiences with them.

  • Perceiving the environment and other forms of energy.

    This category includes techniques to help you perceive and interact with the energy of the environment and other forms of energy, such as animals, plants, objects, or events. You will learn how to sense the energy of the room and the things around you, and to use your perception to create a positive and harmonious atmosphere. You will also learn how to direct your attention and intention to influence the energy of the environment and other forms of energy, and to receive feedback and guidance from them. You will also learn how to explore and experiment with different forms of energy and to discover new possibilities and insights.

Before you start practicing these techniques, there are some general guidelines and precautions that you should follow:

  • Always wash your face and hands in cold water before and after each person you work with.

    This will help you to cleanse and refresh your energy, and to avoid any contamination or interference from other sources of energy.

  • Always ask for permission and consent before you perceive or touch another person's energy.

    This will help you to respect their boundaries and preferences, and to avoid any unwanted or harmful effects.

  • Always be respectful, compassionate, and ethical in your perception and communication.

    This will help you to establish rapport and trust with the person, and to avoid any judgment, criticism, or manipulation.

  • Always be open, curious, and flexible in your perception and interpretation.

    This will help you to avoid any preconceptions, expectations, or biases, and to embrace the diversity and complexity of energy.

  • Always be aware, mindful, and grounded in your perception and action.

    This will help you to avoid any distraction, confusion, or dissociation, and to stay connected and centered in your own energy.

These are the main points and techniques that you will learn in this workshop. By applying these techniques, you will be able to enhance your perception of yourself and others, and to use your perception to heal and comfort. You will also be able to expand your awareness and understanding of energy, and to discover new dimensions and possibilities of your being. I hope you enjoy this workshop and find it useful and rewarding.