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How to meditate using the Breathing Technique of Expansion.

Breathing Technique of Expansion

Expansive breathing

This breathing technique is a way to expand your realities beyond your everyday world. When you live as the expanded beings that you truly are, you can affect many beneficial changes for others and yourself much more rapidly and accurately. In this technique you want to remember that each breath is an expansion of yourself and those you work with.

Part One: Breathing Enlightenment Through Your Centers

Begin as above. Begin by centering yourself. When you feel calm, proceed.

  1. Breathe the following colors through and from each of the above locations

    • Brown

    • Brown-Bronze-Tan

    • Bronze-Tan

    • Bronze-Tan-Red

    • Red

    • Red-Orange

    • Orange

    • Orange-Yellow

    • Yellow

    • Yellow-Green

    • Green

    • Green-Blue

    • Blue

    • Blue-Indigo

    • Indigo

    • Indigo-Purple

    • Purple

    • Purple-Iridescence

    • Iridescence

    • Iridescence-Silver

    • Silver

    • Silver-Gold

    • Gold

    • Gold-Brown

  2. You can start at the beginning or keep this breath going in the other direction. This is complete when you so desire or you sense at oneness with all.

Part 3: Expansion Breath With The ALL

  1. Begin as above. Begin by centering yourself. When you feel calm, proceed.

  2. Breathe the above colors through and from all the areas along your Channel from Center Twelve through One and from Center One Through Twelve.

  3. Breathe the above colors through and from your Fields and Inner Aspects from Field and Inner Aspect Twelve through One and from Field and Inner Aspect One Through Twelve.

  4. Breathe the above colors through and from your Fields from Field Twelve through One and from Fields One Through Twelve.

  5. Breathe the above colors through and from all of you to balance taking care of yourself.

  6. Breathe the above colors through and from all of you to balance nurturing yourself.

  7. Breathe the above colors through and from all of you to balance accepting nurturing to and from others.

  8. Breathe the above colors through and from all of you to balance talking and listening.

  9. Breathe the above colors through and from all of you to balance listening the truths of others.

  10. Breathe the above colors through and from all of you to balance following your own goals, purposes, ideals, plans values and dreams.

  11. Breathe the above colors through and from all of you to balance how you listen to your inner voice.

  12. Breathe the above colors through and from all of you to balance how you are bringing spiritual values onto your everyday material world.

  13. Breathe the above colors through and from all of you to balance how to bring spiritual values and awareness into the everyday material and spiritual lives of all other Humans.

  14. Breathe the above colors through and from all of you to balance how to bring spiritual values and awareness into the everyday material and spiritual lives of all other beings.

  15. Breathe the above colors through and from all of you to balance how to bring spiritual values and awareness into the everyday material and spiritual lives of all that is.

  16. You can start at the beginning or keep this breath going in the other direction. This is complete when you so desire or you sense at oneness with all.