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All about the color of Enlightenment (ultra-violet A, or iridescent if that's easier for you to picture).

The Color of Enlightenment

Iridesence is the color of Enlightenment (ultra-violet A)

The actual color associated with System Ten is Ultraviolet, that is, the "color" that lies one color frequency beyond purple. The problem is, few Humans can directly perceive this color (though it's quite distinct to bees and many birds.) So we use the pattern called "iridescence" to stand in for ultraviolet in our meditations.

The word iridescence is a combination of the terms irid-, a variant of the term irido- comes from the Greek word, meaning rainbow. In a rainbow all the visible spectral colors are present. The other part of this word is –escence comes from Latin and is a suffix that is added to nouns to denote action or process, change of state or condition. When it is applied to other terms such as irid- it means the process or quality of emitting or reflecting light. Here we are dealing with rainbow colors that are luminous, shine or sparkle.

These rainbow or iridescence colors translate to become the colors that represent ultraviolet. Ultraviolet does not have a place on the visual color spectrum, thus the closest we can come to this, as a color, is the shine or shimmer of iridescence. To observe a rainbow is to bear witness to a spectacle of heavenly glory, of celestial wonder. The rainbow often symbolizes transfiguration, and behaves as a bridge between Earth and Paradise. For the Chinese, the rainbow was viewed as a symbol of the yin - inward flowing energy and the yang – outward flowing energy; it is typically perceived as an act of divine benevolence, its colors reflecting divine qualities.

When this color is applied as a treatment it has been known to improve short term memory loss, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Seasonal Attention Disorder (SAD) also called winter depression, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), other forms of depression, obsessive hunger, minor skin irritations, pink eye, some forms of glaucoma; and to increase depth perception.

The Incandescent Spectrum

A term that has become synonymous along with health and sunshine is full spectrum lighting. Normal incandescent light bulbs (the "old-fashioned", pre-florescent kind) lean toward the red end of the spectrum; with little or no ultraviolet in their spectrum. Compare the incandescent spectrum at the right, with the spectrum of natural sunlight. Notice how much more blue and purple there is, implying more ultraviolet beyond that, as well.

Ultraviolet light has specifically been used in the treatment of SAD. SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, occurs in people who do not receive enough exposure to natural sunlight: for example, folks who live near the Arctic circle, and spend winter-long nights with light bulbs being their only source of illumination. By exposing them to the missing part of the spectrum—the ultraviolet—their symptoms are almost instantly ameliorated.

Placing a rainbow of colors in a room can add excitement and make a statement of versatility and be inviting to those using such a space. Iridescence in a space can add the shine and fascination that can be soothing and provocative at the same time. Try accenting any solid color rooms with iridescent colors and watch how they liven up the room. These colors pick up the tone of any room or area. They add dimension and dynamics to a room.

Wearing these colors can assist you to feel free and easy and relate to many more subjects and ideas in your life. A rainbow scarf or belt or even jewelry can become a topic of focus and interest for you and others. Find how these colors can be added to your wardrobe to expand your sense and how others perceive you. Watch as you begin to feel more alive and flowing.

Rainbows are used as a symbol of the union of the spiritual with the physical. It has been known to help in releasing emotional blocks, assists its user to focus and possess clear thinking, expands their spiritual selves to coalesce and conjoin with their physical selves. Living with or through these colors forwards and improves your sense of well being.

Rainbows are traditionally symbols of hope and promise for brighter times ahead. Today we have many groups of people on the Earth who interpret these colors in many ways. To natives of the Americas the rainbow colors represent the promise of peace among all nations and all people. To the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered communities the symbol of the rainbow means acceptance of diversity and people of varied sexual orientation. In Buddhist traditions, a rainbow is the highest state attainable prior to what they term clear light. It is said that this state can be attained as what we call Enlightenment and is accompanied with an iridescent light. (Remember, the Buddhists had no knowledge

This awareness of light and color can lead us to begin to use our eyes to see beyond the spectrum of visible light. If you see a rainbow in the sky look to the edges of the visible colors that you can see. Focus your attention on the ultraviolet (beyond purple) and the infrared (beyond red) aspects and see if you can perceive the color silver beginning to emerge just beyond the rainbow colors followed by gold. See if just beyond the red end if bronze and brown begin to appear! Perhaps there will be a new way to describe these extended perceptions of color all together!