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How to practice the Acceptance and Oneness Experience techniques.

The Acceptance Technique

In this workshop, you've learned the I ACCEPT statement and how it applies to your Unifying Inner Aspect and Field, and your System of Continuance. This technique will help you surrender your fears and allow yourself to feel at one with the universe. And all you need is a drinking glass and a pitcher or bottle of cool spring water.

A glass and a pitcher of water.

Sit at a table with the glass and the water, at a time you won't be disturbed. (Turn off your cell phone, please!) Pour a small quantity of water into the glass, enough for just a sip. Look at the glass and say, "This water is my body. I ACCEPT my body, , in strength and weakness, health and sickness, youth and age, as it is, as perfect." Then drink the water. Feel the acceptance pass over your tongue, down your throat and into your stomach, knowing that every molecule of that water will quickly permeate your entire being.

Repeat the steps of pouring, stating, and drinking, for each of the following statements. (The first is repeated for convenience' sake.)

  1. This water is my body, in strength and weakness, health and sickness, youth and age. I ACCEPT my body, every part of it, as it is, as perfect.

  2. This water is everything I can see and feel, beautiful and ugly, soft and hard. I ACCEPT everything I can see and feel, all of it, as it is, as perfect.

  3. This water is every emotion I have ever had, dark and light, strong and weak. I ACCEPT my emotions, all of them, as they are, as perfect.

  4. This water is every thought I have ever had, kind and cruel, helpful and destructive. I ACCEPT my thoughts, all of them, as they are, as perfect.

  5. This water is every goal I have ever had, successful or failed, important or minor. I ACCEPT my goals, all of them, as they are, as perfect.

  6. This water is every belief I have ever had, accurate or false, helpful or hurtful. I ACCEPT my beliefs, all of them, as they are, as perfect.

  7. This water is every word I have ever uttered, truth or lie, kind or cruel. I ACCEPT my words, all of them, as they are, as perfect.

  8. This water is every change I have ever experienced, for better or worse, intentional or accidental. I ACCEPT my changes, all of them, as they are, as perfect.

  9. This water is every realization I have ever come to, timely or late, favorable or unfavorable. I ACCEPT my realizations, all of them, as they are, as perfect.

  10. This water is every understanding I have ever come to, partial or whole, correct or mistaken. I ACCEPT my understandings, all of them, as they are, as perfect.

  11. This water is every service I have ever experienced, services I have offered, and services offered to me, whether accepted or refused. I ACCEPT the services and outcomes, all of them, as they are, as perfect.

  12. This water is every aspect of the Universe that I have co-created, good and bad, beautiful and ugly. I ACCEPT the Universe, all of it, as it is, as perfect.

The Oneness Experience Technique

By now you know, intellectually, that you are One with All That Is, and that All That Is is meant literally. But knowing something intellectually is not the same as feeling it in your gut. This technique is designed to give you that experience so that it becomes a part of you.

The technique is composed of three parts.

Part 1

You can do this with any magazine, or online with Google Images or any image search engine (Yahoo Images, Bing, etc.)

If using a search engine, type in any general word, such as "People" or "Events" or "Politics" or "Disease". The idea is to be general enough that a wide range of photos comes up. If using a magazine, you'll simply turn each page and examine every image on it—including advertisements.

As you regard each photo, first examine the items in it. Analyze what you feel about them. Are they appealing to you? Do they bring up memories or emotions? Now gaze at the primary subject of the photo. Say aloud, "I AM ALL THAT IS. I AM _________." (Fill in the blank with the name of the subject, such as "I AM THIS LAMP" or "I AM KIM KARDASHIAN.") If you detect even the smallest iota of judgment, either favorable or unfavorable, repeat the I AM statement, aloud and slowly, until the feeling is neutral.

Do this with at least twelve different photos. Be sure to include photos of things you might normally not want to look at, such as terrorists, drunken celebrities, the other party's politicians, or sick people, as well as photos of puppies, sunsets, and so on.

Part 2

Then, go for a walk. (If you are not ambulatory, look out your window or at a TV show with the sound turned off.) As you go, look at each object or being you see with love. If you have trouble generating feelings of love for that object, think of the feeling of love for an adorable puppy or kitten or baby, then project that feeling at the object or person you are really looking at.

Let yourself feel love and project love as intently as you can at the object or person. As you project love to the subject, feel it coming back to you, magnified. Say to yourself, "We are One." Stay with that object until it moves away, or you feel a close connection with it. Then say goodbye and move to the next subject.

This is not a one-time technique. The more you practice it, the more you will experience the feeling of Oneness with All That Is. Every time you go out, pick out at least one object or person to love and identify with.

Part 3

Each day most of us encounter strangers with whom we briefly interact. Most people do this with the rules of etiquette but little or no thought. Our "Have a nice day!" is polite, not an actual wish.

So change that. Make a point of reminding yourself, as you interact with each stranger, I am talking to myself. Ask questions, express sympathy, whatever it takes to break through that person's shell so that he or she feels there's been a connection. The more the person is outside your social or economic or ethnic class, the more important and valuable this exercise becomes.

Externally, the dialog you exchange will not vary much from what you would have said anyway. The difference is in the fact that….you mean it! The point is to have an actual conversation with the person, instead of treating them like a robot.

A good approach is to find something you have in common with the person. It could be sports, or music, or anything.

For example, you are at the checkout stand in a grocery store.

Checker: Good afternoon. Did you find everything you wanted?

You: I did. Thanks for asking. That's a very pretty blouse you're wearing today.

Checker: Oh, my, thank you.

You: May I ask where you got it? Something like that would look so nice on my sister/wife/brother/husband.

The idea is to bring them out of their routine just enough to feel they've connected with you, and you with them. It is not intended to distract them from their job to the point they get fired, or annoyed! Think of it as politeness with sincerity.